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Referee Center for Haunted Classic

Please read this page fully before applying to officiate at the 2024 Haunted Classic. Thank you.

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Thank you for planning to referee the BSA Haunted Classic. PLEASE READ ALL of the following information as it reflects several updates.

If you don’t get an email as soon as you register, you input an incorrect email address.

Send an email to the referee assignor (not the tournament director) at
https://hauntedclassic.tourneycentral.com/contact.html and we will correct.

In the profile it is fine to let us know about your experience; for example, this year I worked the A, B and C tournaments (with whatever detail you’d like). But what is essential is along the line of the following.

I am comfortable C boys thru 13 and girls thru 16; I can AR any age.


I am an AR only and only thru age 12.

Keep a record of the availability you provide us. If your availability changes; PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, inform us by using the contact form provided on every email we send thru the web site. Do not use our personal email addresses, because that causes a duplication of effort.

We are well aware that "life happens" and that your availability may change for this tournament. PLEASE have the courtesy to COMMUNICATE with us as it is ESSENTIAL for us to adjust our schedule if you are going to be late or not be able to officiate. No calls/no shows or double booking (applying for games at the same date/time) may result in officials being removed from a game or games and/or no longer being considered for further game assignments. No shows and double booking may be reported to Ohio South and may result in suspension as an official.

Please give us your cell phone number and don't assume we have read your email unless there is some sort of response.

We welcome officials from other states (outside Ohio) or officials from the Ohio North Youth Soccer Association to apply to this tournament. In order to consider you for game assignments, we require a letter (email is OK) from your SRA confirming that you are currently registered with the USSF and in good standing in your local organization. We also require a copy of your concussion certificate, which is necessary by law, to officiate in Ohio (ALSO: See additional info below about SafeSport Training).

If you wish to work with a specific crew, make sure they register and list the same crew. They will not be assigned unless they register on a timely basis. If they do not list you, then you are merely telling us with whom you’d like to work.

If you affiliated with a team playing in this tournament (Coach/Parent/etc.); You will likely not receive initial match assignments from us as it is very difficult to assign officials around a personal game schedule. However, you will have the option to pick up games on the open game list, once it is posted.

USSF law requires that the Tournament Assignor approve any game assignments and/or game changes. Therefore, you MUST COMMUNICATE with us ANY CHANGES to game assignments including a different official on a match or any officials who switch positions on a match. We are willing to accommodate and be flexible in most circumstances, but again COMMUNICATION is ESSENTIAL!

**PLEASE BE AWARE that SafeSport Training is now MANDATORY PER THE USSF for any referees 18 or over as of 07/01/19. You will be expected to complete this training and be able to provide verification of such (certificate) or you will NOT be assigned games. It is our hope that this certification will be incorporated into your referee profile for next year.**

We have received many previous reports of tournament e-mail not being delivered when a referee confirms his schedule. Unfortunately, Internet Service Providers have taken it upon themselves to determine what is spam and what is legitimate e-mail. Please check your spam folders if you are expecting an email from us and have not received it and keep in mind that we are doing our best to try to deal with this problem.

If you receive notification of a problem sending your e-mail confirmation to the tournament web site, do not be concerned. Our experience is that confirmation HAS GOTTEN TO THE WEB SITE OK! The process of this information getting to the web site is different than the e-mail itself. If you receive such an e-mail failure notification, PLEASE contact the referee assignor immediately and we will acknowledge that you have indeed CONFIRMED YOUR SCHEDULE.

We ALWAYS look forward to both seeing and working with all of you at this tournament.

John Kingham and Mark Cole

BSA Haunted Classic Referee Assignors


Haunted Classic
P.O. Box 341530, Beavercreek, Ohio 45434
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